The TTOR Show S3E7: Laura Loomer Attacks Married Women, The Fall of BitChute & Gab

Title: The TTOR Show S3E7: Laura Loomer Attacks Married Women, The Fall of BitChute & Gab


Welcome to another episode of The TTOR Show! In this week's episode, we delve into the controversial actions of Laura Loomer, the decline of BitChute and Gab, and the implications of these developments on free speech platforms. Join us as we explore the significant events that have raised eyebrows and sparked conversations across various online communities.

Laura Loomer's Controversial Attack on Married Women

In recent weeks, conservative activist Laura Loomer stirred up a significant amount of controversy with her statements targeting married women. During a public appearance, Loomer argued that married women who prioritize their families and children are somehow betraying the feminist movement and abandoning their political responsibilities.

Loomer's remarks have been met with a mixture of outrage, confusion, and support. Some argue that her comments only serve to divide women, undermine the importance of family, and perpetuate an unhealthy narrative that women cannot simultaneously be mothers and active participants in political discourse. On the other hand, her supporters claim that she is challenging traditional norms and encouraging women to reclaim their agency in the public sphere.

The Decline of BitChute and Gab

BitChute and Gab are two alternative social media platforms that have gained attention in recent years for their commitment to free speech. However, both platforms have faced numerous challenges and controversies, leading to their decline in popularity and user base.

BitChute, often referred to as a "YouTube alternative," prided itself on providing a platform where content creators could freely express their opinions without fear of censorship. However, the platform has faced criticism for hosting extremist content and failing to effectively moderate hate speech, leading to its removal from various app stores and payment processors. This has ultimately affected BitChute's ability to attract and retain both users and content creators.

Gab, an alternative social network known for its commitment to free speech, also faced its fair share of issues. The platform gained notoriety after being associated with several high-profile individuals involved in hate speech and extremist activities. As a result, it faced bans from major tech companies, limiting its reach and accessibility.

The Implications for Free Speech Platforms

The controversies surrounding Laura Loomer's statements and the decline of platforms like BitChute and Gab raise important questions about the future of free speech platforms in the online landscape.

While the idea of unrestricted speech is appealing in theory, the challenges faced by platforms like BitChute and Gab highlight the need for responsible content moderation. Striking a balance between protecting free speech and preventing the spread of harmful and extremist content is a complex task, and platforms must find effective strategies to navigate these waters.

Moreover, it is crucial to ensure that alternative platforms do not become safe havens for hate speech, misinformation, and radicalization. While individuals should have the freedom to express their opinions, platforms must uphold certain standards and prevent their spaces from being exploited for malicious purposes.


In this episode of The TTOR Show, we examined the controversial remarks made by Laura Loomer regarding married women and explored the decline of platforms like BitChute and Gab. These events highlight the challenges faced by alternative social media platforms in maintaining free speech while mitigating the risks associated with unmoderated content.

Moving forward, it is essential to foster healthy online spaces that encourage open dialogue, respect diverse perspectives, and uphold responsible content moderation. By striking a balance between free speech and the need to prevent harm, we can ensure that the future of online platforms remains vibrant, inclusive, and safe for all users.