Can Porn Hurt You? By Brett Keane

Title: Unveiling the Impact of Internet Pornography: A Closer Look at Disturbing Statistics


In the digital age, the internet has undoubtedly revolutionized the way we access information, connect with others, and engage in various forms of entertainment. However, along with its many benefits, the internet has also brought about some significant challenges. One of the most contentious issues is the widespread consumption of internet pornography. Recent statistics reveal that millions of adults in the United States visit pornographic websites regularly, with a significant proportion of searches and explicit content involving aggression. In this article, we delve into some alarming statistics to shed light on the far-reaching implications of this growing phenomenon.

1. The Prevalence of Internet Pornography

According to research conducted over the past few years, approximately 40 million adults in the U.S. are regular visitors to internet pornography sites. This staggering figure highlights the scale of the issue and raises concerns about its impact on individuals and society at large.

2. Pornography's Pervasive Influence on Mobile Devices

The advent of smartphones and the ease of internet access have made pornography even more accessible. Astonishingly, one in five internet searches conducted on mobile devices is related to pornography. The convenience and privacy afforded by mobile technology have contributed to the normalization of adult content consumption, especially among younger demographics.

3. Impact on Marital Relationships

Research suggests that there is a link between pornography consumption and the quality of intimate relationships. Men who are happily married are reportedly 61% less likely to seek out pornography. This statistic raises questions about the potential detrimental effects of pornography on emotional intimacy, trust, and communication within committed relationships.

4. The Dark Side of Workplace Culture

In a concerning revelation, approximately 20% of men admit to viewing pornography while at work. This behavior poses several risks to workplace dynamics, including reduced productivity, potential harassment issues, and compromised work environments. Companies must address this issue with effective policies and awareness programs to foster a more respectful and productive workplace culture.

5. Aggression in Pornography Content

Perhaps one of the most disturbing statistics is that a significant percentage of pornography scenes contain aggression. A shocking 88% of scenes include physical aggression, while 49% involve verbal aggression. The perpetuation of aggressive behaviors in adult content raises concerns about its potential influence on consumers' attitudes towards consent, relationships, and gender dynamics.

The Impact on Individuals and Society

The excessive consumption of internet pornography can have profound consequences on individuals and society as a whole. Addiction to pornography can lead to decreased self-esteem, relationship dissatisfaction, and diminished sexual intimacy. Additionally, prolonged exposure to explicit content may desensitize individuals to violence and aggression, potentially contributing to real-life harm.

Moreover, the widespread consumption of pornography can foster unrealistic and unhealthy expectations of sex and relationships, leading to difficulties in forming genuine connections. The social stigma associated with pornography can also create feelings of shame and isolation among those struggling with its addictive pull.

Preventing Harmful Effects

Addressing the challenges posed by the prevalence of internet pornography requires a multi-faceted approach. Individuals must be educated about the potential consequences of excessive consumption and provided with resources for support and recovery if needed. Open conversations within families, schools, and communities can help dispel myths and misconceptions surrounding pornography while promoting healthy attitudes towards sex and relationships.

Legislation and workplace policies can play a crucial role in minimizing the impact of pornography on society. Employers should establish clear guidelines regarding appropriate internet usage during work hours to create a professional and respectful environment. Regulation and age verification mechanisms for online adult content can help protect minors from exposure to explicit materials.


The statistics presented in this article provide a sobering glimpse into the widespread influence of internet pornography in the United States. The prevalence of adult content consumption, coupled with its aggressive themes, raises serious concerns about its impact on individuals and society. Acknowledging this issue and taking proactive measures to address its effects are vital steps towards creating a healthier, more respectful, and safer digital landscape for everyone. As we continue to navigate the complexities of the digital age, fostering responsible internet usage and promoting healthy relationships should be at the forefront of our efforts.